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KEY PULSE for Windows | Stream Deck Plugin

SKU: VM-70050

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€ 0,00 EUR
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Key Pulse Keyboard Emulator Stream Deck Plugin

The KeyPulse plugin allows you to automatically repeat certain keyboard or mouse keys in a loop.

The different modes such as SWITCH/PRESS define whether the key should remain pressed or be released again immediately. The various options such as (Loop+Hold+Freeze) make it easy to perform GamePlay benchmarks (e.g. with the arrow key held down).

Automatic slideshows as well as PowerPoint slides are very easy to switch through with the assistant. Like cruise control in a car, the plugin automatically executes key commands with sound output at intervals. Automatic scrolling on web pages or scrolling in PDFs are no problem.



  • Keyboard Autopilot
  • PowerPoint Slides
  • Picture Diashows
  • Auto-Scrolling Webpages
  • Gameplay Benachmrks
  • Anti-StandbyScreen
  • And many more...
VIRTUAL-KEYS: MOUSE LEFT-BUTTON, MOUSE RIGHT-BUTTON, MOUSE MIDDLE-BUTTON, MOUSE X(4)-BUTTON, MOUSE X(5)-BUTTON, MOUSE V-SCROLL, MOUSE H-SCROLL, BACKSPACE, TAB, CLEAR, ENTER, SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, PAUSE, CAPS LOCK, IME Kana mode, IME Junja mode, IME final mode, IME Hanja mode, ESC, IME convert, IME nonconvert, IME accept, IME mode change, SPACEBAR, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, END, HOME, LEFT ARROW, UP ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, DOWN ARROW, SELECT, PRINT, EXECUTE, PRINT SCREEN, INS, DEL, HELP, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Left Windows, Right Windows, Applications, Sleep, Numpad 0, Numpad 1, Numpad 2, Numpad 3, Numpad 4, Numpad 5, Numpad 6, Numpad 7, Numpad 8, Numpad 9, Multiply, Add, Separator, Subtract, Decimal, Divide, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18, F19, F20, F21, F22, F23, F24, NUM LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, Left SHIFT, Right SHIFT, Left CONTROL, Right CONTROL, Left MENU, Right MENU, Browser Back, Browser Forward, Browser Refresh, Browser Stop, Browser Search, Browser Favorites, Browser Home, Volume Mute, Volume Down, Volume Up, Next Track, Previous Track, Stop Media, Play/Pause Media, Start Mail, Select Media, Application 1, Application 2, , +, ,, -, ., /?, `~, [{, \|, ]}, single-double-quote, ?, ❮❯, IME PROCESS, PACKET, Attn, CrSel, ExSel, Erase EOF, Play, Zoom, Noname, PA1, Clear

Code Signed

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